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Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian Enderroj shume per ty
Enderroj shume per ty...Edhe kam deshire shume te njihemi bashke. Po pate edhe ti qejf me jep MSN tend. Te puth fort vogelushe.

Completed translations
English I dream a lot about you
Greek Σε ονειρεύομαι συχνά
Source language
English Did I tell you that I love you today?
Did I tell you that I love you today?

Completed translations
Norwegian Sa jeg at jeg elsker elsker dig i dag?
Source language
Albanian Mëkat, tha prifti, pasi dëgjoi shpjegimet
Mëkat, tha prifti, pasi dëgjoi shpjegimet e Ibrahimit. Më i zgjuari prej jush qenka bërë mysliman. Nuk do ta keni kollaj ta thyeni këtë njeri. Ç’duhet të bëjmë, e pyeti Vasili që rrinte në këmbë sikur priste një urdhër. Ky njeri nuk mund të mposhtë një fshat, foli prifti.

Completed translations
English Sin - said the priest
Bulgarian - Грях - каза свещеникът...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian Job chat
Secili është duke kërkuar për një punë! Mos u shqetësoni, ju do të gjeni një punë më shpejt që të jetë!

Completed translations
English Job Chat
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English The day when I stop to love you is day when I...
The day when I stop to love you is day when I close my eye forever.

Completed translations
Albanian Dita kur do të ndaloj së dashuruari ty
Source language
Albanian ngado qe te shkosh ne toke do jetosh
ngado qe te shkosh ne toke do jetosh

Completed translations
English Wherever you go...
Serbian Bilo gde da odeš...
Source language
English oh she's very well,thanks you .She's busy in the...
Oh she's very well,thanks you .She's busy in the shop.

Completed translations
Albanian Oh ajo është
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian po mundohet me e bo nji gje te till? po saber se...
po mundohet me e bo nji gje te till?
po saber se bohet mire
unaza ka plot po qka ka lidhje qe i ka te nje jtat be....
ok me te mira g. nji her klm..
bitte könnt ihr mir das bitte noch mal übersetzen?
vielen dank liebe grüsse gabi

Completed translations
English Is he trying....
German Versucht er....
Source language
Albanian Ste fus dot ketu, mos u merzit. te kam xhan...
Ste fus dot ketu, mos u merzit. te kam xhan mostro.

Pse ke frike? Se dija se ke frikenga njeri o Ish?
this is from my husband to his ex-wife and then her reply. she keeps sending things saying she loves him and I want to make sure he isn't provoking it. thanks

Completed translations
English I won't put you here
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian O daj po jam ne zyre pune tani, po me vone behet...
O daj po jam ne zyre pune tani, po me vone behet qe te flasim?

Completed translations
English Hey uncle
Source language
Albanian 1 vjetori i pavarsis '17.02.2009 Ishte...
1 vjetori i pavarsis '17.02.2009'
Ishte vjetori i par ne kosoven e pavarur , një dit e veqant per te gjith shqiptaret kishte emocione vertet emocione gëzimi sepse pas shum sakrificave, mundi u shperblye dhe erdhi edhe dita e bekuar e kosoves 17.02.008 ishte nje dit e ftoht po nuk vrehej fare sepse ishte 17 shkurti dhe ishte 1 vjetori i par ne kosoven e pavarur gezimi kishte ndezur gjith popullin e kosoves e gjith shqiptaret ku ndodheshin ne diasporn .Urime gjith shqiptarve shteti me i ri ne bot shteti i kosoves.
ndezur , emocioni ,pavarur

Completed translations
English First anniversary of Independence
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian L. osht ty honger une jom djali i dajes ati
L. osht ty honger une jom djali i dajes ati
Name abbrev. /pias 090316.

Completed translations
English L. is eating
Swedish L. äter, jag är hans kusin.
Source language
English Hey darling, I can't believe it's ...
Hey darling, I can't believe it's our third Valentine's together. Do you remember the first one and how much we grew into our relationship since then? It's pretty crazy when I sit and think about it.
I just want to say that I love you so much, and that you mean a lot to me. Actually, not just a lot, you mean everything to me. You are all that matters, and all I need. I love you now, and I love you tomorow, and I love you forever...
Always and Forever yours!

Completed translations
Albanian Hej i dashur...
Source language
English Let us thank God for the opportunity that we all...
Let us thank God for the opportunity that we all have together today, for this gift of
peace that reminds us that we have been created to live that peace!

How can you love God whom you do not see, if you do not love your neighbor whom you see, whom you touch, with whom you live?

Completed translations
Albanian Le ta falendërojmë Zotin
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Albanian Rregullore mbi sistematizimin e punëve dhe...
Rregullore mbi sistematizimin e punëve dhe detyrave të punes
Looks like the title of an internal regulation in a company.

Admin's note : Accepted request, as difficult to find using an online dictionary

Completed translations
English regulation
French Règlement pour classifier les emplois et les devoirs
German Verordnung
11Source language11
English Talking to a baby!
Is the baby sleeping?
Is the baby crying?
The baby is crying.
Would you like to play?
Where is the doll?
Where is the ball?
Go take the ball. Lets play with the ball.
Where is your book?
What color is the ball?
The baby is sleeping!
How is the baby?
Do you remember me?
Where is the horse?
Did you see him/her/it?
Do you see him/her/it?

Completed translations
German Mit einem Baby sprechen
French Parler à un bebé.
Norwegian Snakker med en baby.
Source language
Albanian Shoqe , mos me thuaj se je feju ! hahah, nese...
Shoqe , mos me thuaj se je feju ! hahah, nese eshte qashtu qysh e pash foton,urime dhe te uroj gjithe te mirat ne jete. Me ki befasu , njehere e pash foton e pare , po mendova qe veq foto, se dita qe je ti, hahhahha.
Me vjen shume, shume, shume mire per ty.
Qa po bon perndryshe, a je mire, a je tu punu ?

Completed translations
English Friend, don't tell me you're engaged! haha
Source language
Norwegian Huset ble heist på plass i helgen jeg er ganske...
Huset ble heist på plass i helgen jeg er ganske fornøyd.
Men været er jo tusen ganger bedre der, her holdt vi på å snø vekk på lørdag og søndagen regnet det.
Tenker det var gjensynsglede til tusen!! Det er jo litt rart å tenke på at dere bor langt vekke egentlig

Completed translations
English The house was assembled in place over the weekend, I'm pretty contented.
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